A - Attached or Single ? Attached.
B - Best Friend ? You know I am going to say Richard, Longest bf that I can always catch up with - Amy, Best couple friend - Maylett's, bff - my Family, love that my sisters are also my bf's.
C - Cake or Pie ? Cookies. =)
D - Day of Choice ? is always a happy day, with lots to look forward to.
E - Essential Item ? Lotion, lip gloss, book or magazine.
F - Favorite Color ? Clothes - black and brown. House - Green, Black.
G - Gummy Bears of Worms ? Worms.
H - Home Town ? SLC.
I - Favorite Indulgence ? Hair cuts and colors, girls nights out, eating out.
J - January or July ? This should not even be a question! JULY (does anyone like Jan better?). Bring on the heat and the sun.
K - Kids ? 4 - Kaela, Sam, Karissa, Addy
L - Life Isn't Complete Without ? Richard, my family, the gospel and CHOCOLATE!
M - Married ? You know it.
N - Number of Siblings ? 3
O - Oranges or Apples ? Apples all the way, peeling oranges makes my cuticles hurt!
P - Phobia or Fears ? Fears.
Q - Favorite Quote ? So many, I LOVE quotes, but my favorite because I think it is so true in this never ending world of stuff..."The secret to having it believing that you do."
R - Reason to Smile ? A clean house, kids that play together, a husband that cleans that bathrooms...irons... plays with the kids, a car that now works, and cute baby clothes.
S - Superman or Wonder Woman ? Neither
T - Tag 5 People Anyone reading this!
U - Unknown Fact about Me ? Love to write, love to think, loved school.
V - Favorite Vegetable ? Broccoli, green beans
W - Worst Habit ? Going to bed too late
X - X-Rays ? Only once, when Karissa broke my nose, not to fun!
Y- Your Favorite Food ? Where to start? Cafe Rio pork, really good steak, warm bread, chocolate chip cookies, mashed potato's, water, diet coke.
Z - Zodiac Sign ? Libra
Where to even start
10 months ago
Hey that is coincidental because Brett and I had recently determined that you are our bf couple.
We love your kids, we love your games, and we love copying you...bad and good stuff apparently. We love you guys! Let's live next door next time.
Joey I am so sad that you missed out on a great movie. Maybe we will catch you the next time.
Loved reading that!
I so enjoy reading these you bookworm!! ha ha. Love it!
your kids are so grown up and cute. i loved your marriage date idea. i sent it out to all my friends via e-mail. i think we are coming to slc in april. i hope we can see you guys.
Very cute blog! Can I add you to my friends list?
I love these "tag" things, they are my fave! You are so cute and clever.
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