Let's be honest, as a mother I have spent way more time in the last 8 years in public restrooms than any human should! Every time I am with my kids anywhere, I always end up finding myself in those germ filled, smelly places! My family can vouch for me on this. And while I don't loathe the public restroom as much as my sister Casey, it is not my favorite place for sure, and the more time I spend there the more they gross me out. Restaurants, grocery stores, movie theaters, gas stations, you name the place...I've been in their bathroom.
What is so magnetic about these places for kids? For the last year I have been drilling my kids as to whether they need to go EVERY time we leave the house. The answer is always NO...and then where do I find myself an hour later? You guessed it.
This weekend while out for a nice family lunch, Sam suddenly had to go. Feeling glad to be off the hook since Richard was with me, I just sat back. What luck, the men's bathroom was locked and no one came out and no one came out. I gave up and agreed to the job. While taking Sam, I had an epiphany. I finally realized why kids can't get enough of this place. Magic. Flushing when you stand up, water than runs as soon as you put your hands under the facet, and as Sam demonstrated, towel paper that comes out when you "use the force". How is a nice clean bathroom at home to compete with that? It can't I tell you.
So for now, while my kids are so much into the magic of everything of life, I'll just get use to. In fact I had this funny thought come into my head (an adaptation of a sweeter poem):
No matter what,
No matter where,
If there's a public bathroom,
The Brough's will be there.
What a reward for potty training!
Where to even start
10 months ago
Hey! So fun to hear from you! And this post is hilarious and SO true! You made my whole morning! :)
Anyway, so fun to see what's going on with your fam! Please tell Richard, "Hi!" for me. How is his health? I haven't heard in a while...
I am excited about this blogging thing and hope to keep in better touch! sarastaker@hotmail.com
Joey you are a great writer! This was so fun to read. It is soooo true! I feel the same way. We need to go back to the old fashioned days where you had to turn the water on yourselves and flush the toilet too. Then maybe they won't want to go in there as much.
This is so true, never occured to me. Want to hear something even grosser that my kids preferred? When we were building our house you have to have an "out house" outside your house and everytime we were here they had to go in it. So disgusting and of course there is no where to wash your hands!
Your kids do love the public restroom waaaay to much:) I have convinced Mack that is is the grossest place in the world--so he avoids it all costs just like I do!
Yeah, sometimes I think I'd rather have LJ in diapers than deal with taking him to the bathroom all the time. (We won't even get started on how disgusting our bathrooms at HOME are, as per LJ's occasional poor aim. The public bathrooms may actually not be any worse...:)just kidding. Sort of.
Great writing, I think all Moms can relate!
This is so, so true! Thanks for the laugh.
tee,hee! I never thought of the magic before. It's all making sense now. :)
Love your blog! So so funny. Remember before they had those paper seat covers and your mom either held you over the toilet or made a little toilet paper seat cover that always kept falling off? At least we dont have to do that. Hurray for progress!
That was funny! I love finding blogs of people I know! I think we will have to try your game for FHE. The Ashbys.
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