My little sister and her husband have been hinting for about a month now that "Karissa would be so cute with a hair cut" and "Karissa don't you want a haircut?" I got the hint guys! So, I called and booked my sister-in-law Michelle for a Karissa cut today.
When I asked Karissa how she wanted her hair cut she replied, "buns." I guess she didn't totally understand what a haircut meant. I held back the tears as Michelle chopped off a good 8 inches (I am horrible at measuring, but seriously doesn't that seem like a ton!). Thanks Michelle for going easy on me and giving me an extra inch. After she was done getting styled Karissa told me she got an Aunt Ashley haircut. And I do have to admit Karissa looks pretty cute. Check her out...


Look at that hair. I would KILL for hair like that!
Soo cute! I bet it will be a ton easier to do too! Way to be brave Mom!
So cute! :)
That is such a cute haircut!
Wow! It has been a long time! How on earth did you come across our blog??? That is so funny! I'm so glad that you wrote me and gave me your info. Do you mind if I add you to my blog list, so I can keep in touch? Your family is so darling. What a beautiful little family. We're not to far behind you. Number 4 is arriving in March. Do you keep in touch with anyone else from good old Clarke American? Talk to you again soon.
Karissa will always be cute no matter what style her hair is!! I do love the new flip though. Hope to see you guys soon.
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