My first three children just loved milk, milk, and more milk. Did I mention they loved milk? They were really never interested in baby food at ALL. Enter child number 4. She loves food! We can't give her enough. She gets her arms up and starts dancing when I get the rice cereal box out. Her new favorite, avocado's and cheerios. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she is our first child below the 70 percentile on weight? Maybe she gets it from her Mom.=) Whatever it is, it's cute!
What a sweetie! So fun that she is an eater! :)
My little Dayne is entirely motivated by food. It is the only thing that ever gets him upset... EVER! If he sees food and is NOT the one being fed, he definitely has something to say about it! :)
She's SO cute! Hope you guys are doing well!
Do you think that if I eat more avocados, cheerios and even start on rice cereal that I will have those gorgeous blue eyes too????
She is getting so big! What a cutie.
Oh, so cute.
My kids LOVE avacados! Hey, so excited about your pre-school, but sad that I have already registered Dev in another one. Count me in for next year.
A good eater is such a plus, and those blue eyes are to die for!
She has the biggest, most beautiful blue eyes!
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