I can hardly believe we are getting this old =). I was reading the Dear Abby column a couple of weeks ago, and ran across this comment from Abby, which pretty much sums up how I feel about you:
"While diamonds may be "a girls best friend," most women know that a life partner who gives them attention, affection, praise and assistance when they need it is a jewel more precious than any stone could ever be."
Amen. Thanks for all you do for me Richard. Can't imagine life without you, and here's to many more years together.
Happy Birthday Richard! I know we are getting old....
32 just doesnt seem old to me anymore. Funny how that happens isn't it. I mean, at 20, thirty-two would have been sooo old but now its actually quite young. I can't beleive I hit the big 30 last year. My goodness. The weird thing is in my mind its like Im still 25, so weird.
I love the Dear Abby quote. Amen is right!
Happy Birthday neighbor.
Happy Birthday, Buddy! Wow! I am thinking we have known each other over 20 years, now! Crazy!
So glad to be able to keep an eye on what you and your beautiful wife and darling little fam are up to!
Here's to many more happy, healthy years to come! :)
What a great quote! I literally have the chills...so sweet, Joey.
Happy Birthday, Richard! Who would have thought looking back to the days in the good old 27th ward that we would be adults in our 30s with kids, spouses, houses and everything else? Time sure flies...hope you have the best birthday ever! =)
Happy Birthday Richard! I so agree with Dear Abby. diamonds are nice but I am thankful everyday for the wonderful man I married!
Happy Birthday!!!
i have one of those too... love good husbands. hope you had a great day Richard!
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