Then when I was trying to explain that an adult would never need a kids help doing things they can do (I meant like finding a lost pet or person), Sam perked up with, "Then why do you and Dad always make us clean out the dishwasher." Doesn't sound that funny now but it cracked me up then. Check out Richard dressed up as 'a stranger' to help the kids practice their skills.

We did the same thing last week with our girls. It is sad that we have to do this. I think that Richard looks great.
That is so funny! Richard looks like one scary stranger... ha ha. I need to get your FHE ideas for when we have older kids... you are so on top of it :)
So can Richard be hired out (love the costume!)? We need to do that lesson over here!
What a great FHE lesson! I wish more people would talk to their kids about strangers and abuse. And perfect timing, April is child abuse prevention month. It's also a great idea to teach kids that their body is their own and it's not okay for anyone (stranger or otherwise) to hurt them. 80% of abusers are someone the child knows. Since it's child abuse prevention month I've added a section about prevention on my blog. Check it out if you want more ideas about teaching kids to be safe. BTW, Richard looks great in his stranger costume!
Classic line. I love it!
Richard looks so funny! His hair reminds me of Lance when he is way overdue for a haircut. I, like Sam, have always wondered why it was that my parents always needed a kid to help with the dishes and so on. And I love that Karissa is more concerned about getting the candy than who is actually giving it to her. So funny. THanks for inspiring me to do FHE, Im the worst.
How funny. I think Richard looks like a stranger to me. Your kids are so cute! Hope you are well. I miss you!!!
i think stranger is a great look for Richard... he should try that more often!!! :)
So, my question is, why do you have that scary wig?
Kids say the funniest things. In all honesty I'm not sure why Karissa would want to take candy from such a scary "stranger"!
That is funny! I love the costume. Does he hire out as a starnger for other's FHE lessons?
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