A - Attached or Single ? Attached.
B - Best Friend ? You know I am going to say Richard, Longest bf that I can always catch up with - Amy, Best couple friend - Maylett's, bff - my Family, love that my sisters are also my bf's.
C - Cake or Pie ? Cookies. =)
D - Day of Choice ? is always a happy day, with lots to look forward to.
E - Essential Item ? Lotion, lip gloss, book or magazine.
F - Favorite Color ? Clothes - black and brown. House - Green, Black.
G - Gummy Bears of Worms ? Worms.
H - Home Town ? SLC.
I - Favorite Indulgence ? Hair cuts and colors, girls nights out, eating out.
J - January or July ? This should not even be a question! JULY (does anyone like Jan better?). Bring on the heat and the sun.
K - Kids ? 4 - Kaela, Sam, Karissa, Addy
L - Life Isn't Complete Without ? Richard, my family, the gospel and CHOCOLATE!
M - Married ? You know it.
N - Number of Siblings ? 3
O - Oranges or Apples ? Apples all the way, peeling oranges makes my cuticles hurt!
P - Phobia or Fears ? Fears.
Q - Favorite Quote ? So many, I LOVE quotes, but my favorite because I think it is so true in this never ending world of stuff..."The secret to having it believing that you do."
R - Reason to Smile ? A clean house, kids that play together, a husband that cleans that bathrooms...irons... plays with the kids, a car that now works, and cute baby clothes.
S - Superman or Wonder Woman ? Neither
T - Tag 5 People Anyone reading this!
U - Unknown Fact about Me ? Love to write, love to think, loved school.
V - Favorite Vegetable ? Broccoli, green beans
W - Worst Habit ? Going to bed too late
X - X-Rays ? Only once, when Karissa broke my nose, not to fun!
Y- Your Favorite Food ? Where to start? Cafe Rio pork, really good steak, warm bread, chocolate chip cookies, mashed potato's, water, diet coke.
Z - Zodiac Sign ? Libra
Where to even start
10 months ago