In the past, I have been known to start liking my kids toys a little more than they do. When Kaela was little she LOVED the Little People. I starting loving them too...and before I knew it we had every little people set. For the record the people are little, but the sets they come in are anything but little! Before long the little people took over my playroom and I decided I had started to like them a little more than my kids did. So, we just kept our favorites and gave the rest away!
Fast forward to the present...now I just love littlest pet shops! My girls still both LOVE them. A few months back every time I would go to the store I had to stop by the toy isle to see if they had any "new" ones. They have the best marketing plan, exclusives to certain stores, only made for a few months, you know the story. Anyway, the girls made quite the haul of LPS for Christmas. I love the Zebra!! It seems that for now my girls still love them more then me! And, if anyone is going to France in the near future can you please pick us up the giraffe sold exclusively at the Toys R Us there? Much appreciated!
Sooo funny! I get the same about my kids' toys! One time I told them they needed to get rid of some so they handed me a few they thought could go, but they were the ones I liked so they are still here! :)
Interesting... I haven't gotten to that point yet, but it might be because they are boy toys...maybe when I have a girl. By the way, anytime your kids won't eat your dinners feel free to invite us over...I'll get the job done. Looks yummy to me and it beats cereal!
Ellie went to play over at the Reynolds the other day and Missy said that the LPS were Ellies favorite toys to play with. I have never bought any. I guess I know what to pick up at Target the next time I go. Im so out of the loop apparently. Good thing you posted this so my daughter won't be a toy nerd any longer :0).
Hooray for Pet shops! I too find that I enjoy them as much or more than my girls. Funny considering when Grace got her first set of Pet Shops for her birthday I thought they were the ugliest things ever. Oh, how times change.
And if while anyone is in France and they pick up the giraffe for Joey could you score me a couple too? That'd be great. =)
I love your and Richard's little obesession over kids toys. Remember the Burger King Star Wars toy saga?
That's so funny. I still remember you collecting all the pampers points to get the goods. Those are cute and if I ever go to France I'll get you one. :)
I love that zebra and the cheetah/leopard/jaguar (never know which is which). I've never seen those before.
For a while LJ was phasing out of them (which really should be fine seeing he's a boy and all) and I was slightly bummed, but now he's back in full force.
LOL at loving your kids toys!
We are so behind! My kids have none of these and don't even know what they are!
That zebra is cute though!
LPS are my absolute favorites! We should get our collections together sometime and play (ha,ha,ha!) Whenever, I play with the kids I always say bring the LPS. They are stinkin' cute and just plain fun. My favorites are the pink pig, panda, and turtles.
Joey & Richard - You have such a beautiful family! I was excited to stumble on your blog. I hope you are all doing well. Take care,
p.s. I have an 8 year old girl OBSESSED with LPS. I can't believe when we go shopping that she actually has a mental inventory of which ones she has and which she doesn't, I could never keep track!
Hello, I stumbled into your blog on some cyber venture that I lost track of several blogs ago. ha I've only glanced at the first page of your posts and I can already tell you and I have a lot in common. I am freakishly scary when it comes to LPS (and also Webkinz!) It becomes a mission to find those "rare" pets and bestow them upon my already-spoiled child. I'm not sure what this says about me as a person, but anyway that's it. Just had to comment on this post. It is sooo me!!
Okay what do you do with these I know nothing about them!....I have heard the name but I do love the Little people, are these similar??
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