Well I have officially decided that the weekends just go by way to fast and the weeks can just drag on. This weekend was no exception, it was so fun and gone in a flash!
Friday we hired out a babysitter and went to our ward date night. We had such a blast. We had a pot luck dinner and then we learned swing dancing. I think I stressed Richard out a little about his dancing abilities before the date. He has always felt he was a bit uncoordinated since he grew so tall so fast..but he was fabulous. We had a great time and I think we were one of the last couples there. We didn't even have any collisions with this huge belly of mine.
Saturday I went to lunch with my mom, sisters and mother-in-law. They gave me a little shower which was lots of fun. It is always fun to get some new things for each baby. I felt really spoiled and it was great fun to get out without the kids for a few hours. Richard had fun spending some time with the kids. That night we went to a luau for a family that Richard home teaches. Their son just got baptized and man do they know how to throw a party. There was tons of food and we have tons of food in our fridge. I have no idea how we will ever eat it all, but Richard assures me we will be just fine. I am great with a week free of cooking! Ash and Keith came over later to play games. Richard got a couple of new games and game night is never a disappointment with Ash and Keith.
Sunday after church we went to Casey's for a BBQ. They got a Wii over the weekend and we all went to try it out. It was lots of fun! There was awesome food and even better company. We had fun creating our Mii's (our own personalized characters) and bowling. I only wish I could bowl as well in real life as I can on the Wii (184 - a personal best for me - ever). Pretty sure I will never actually bowl that score with a ball, but hey I can dream. The kids had fun playing with Mack and a crazy cat outside. Lots of fun.
Like I said the weekend was over all too fast and now back to the long work week! Only 4 more days...
Where to even start
10 months ago
Do you remember that guy from Rexburg that became Derek's bowling sensei? Maybe you should channel those abilities next time you play! :)
Thanks for coming over! Had so much fun:)
Four more days until the baby comes? i am a little behind on the due date thing. i am glad you got a night out. i am sure it was much deserved and needed!
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