"Recall it as often as you wish, a happy memory never wears you out. "
-libbie fudim
There comes a time in every parents life when you realize you have become those people that you once thought were old...that happened for us this weekend. Kaela was baptized on Saturday!!! I really can hardly believe that we are old enough to have an eight year old daughter.
The day started out a little rough. Kaela woke up with the stomach flu and was pretty sick. I asked her if we should wait until July for her baptism, but she said no. Richard gave her a blessing and we all got ready. Kaela was still sick on the way over to the stake center, but once we got there she was fine. She made it through the whole baptism, smiling (actually beaming) and all. Once we got home she went to sleep, but when she woke up she was as good as new. She was so beautiful at her baptism and we are so proud of her. We also enjoyed having our families over for lunch afterward. We feel blessed by the love and support they constantly show us.
We have often commented on how grateful we are that Kaela is our first child. She is such a good example to her younger brother and sister. She has a zest for life and for the gospel. She loves to read her scriptures, write in her journal, and sing primary songs. She even cried on our vacation when we couldn't go to church (hope that lasts in her teenage years!). I have often commented that she gets that trait from Richard, his parents have commented that his convictions were similar at the same age. She gave the family home evening lesson last week and I had to fight back tears because of the wonderful job that she did. I am just so grateful for her and her sweet little spirit.
My earliest memory of Kaela loving the gospel was from about the age of 18 months, when she just fell in love with the nativity story. You never saw such a young child taking such good care of little figures. People were always afraid that she would break pieces, but I always assured them that she was more careful than most adults! She has since acquired around 10 nativities, most of them gifts from family members who saw how much she loved them. I can say that she has never broken one piece and always has at least one displayed in her room.
Kaela, we love you so much and hope you always have the same convictions and light about you. You continually amaze us with your goodness. We are so proud of you and the wonderful daughter that you are.

Congrats, Kaela! You guys ARE old parents. ;)
That's neat that she was able to get baptized despite her not feeling well. No doubt the blessing made the difference.
She's eight!! That crazy. How quickly time flies. I guess thats right since Mckay turns 7 on tuesday. Just seems like yesterday we were all hanging out in the courtyard at the U. Miss those days. Congrats Kaela! :)
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