Well, I officially survived the first real day of summer. I know summer doesn't officially start until the 21st but with all of the kids home (and the weather for casted to hit 100 this week!) it sure feels like summer. I think Kaela is surviving being home all day too. Yesterday we got up and made a to do list book. We came up with several items that she and Sam need to accomplish everyday. Then we took the books to the copy store and had them bound. Hopefully it will get the kids motivated to get some worthwhile things accomplished this summer. We'll see...
I also had a great weekend!! I somehow found the motivation to get things done that I have been putting off for a while. I finally got the girls closets cleaned out and organized. Bye-Bye winter clothes, and clothes thrown in spots they should not be. There is just something about an organized space that makes me happy! I had to go open Kaela's armoire several times after it was clean...which made me realize how organizing something just makes you feel empowered (I know many of you are laughing at me right now). Richard had been camping with Sam on Friday but when he came home realized his dream of spending Saturday's organizing was happening and so he cleaned out the garage. He moved everything out of one side and literally scrubbed the floor of the garage. That floor is so clean you could eat off of it. It felt great to get things done. Usually when Richard brings these sort of ideas up to me I tell him Saturday is a day to get out. I still love getting out but I do love the feeling of getting a big project done (well, at least I love it when it is done!).
I also got quite a few creative projects done. I made my friend Tennisa some baby bows and a bracelet for her new baby Isabella. They turned out cute and made me excited to make some for my own baby. I was able to hang out with my girlfriends from high school on Saturday. We had such a great time. There is something about these friends that always makes me feel refreshed and happy. These are my friends that I can just laugh at everything with and be myself. I always feel better after spending time with them. While hanging out I finished a mini scrapbook that I had purchased a while ago. It turned out really cute.
I finally got my wall finished that I had bought vinyl for five months ago. Richard helped me center it last night and I love it!!! I finally got to Rod Works to buy picture frames (thanks Tennisa and Allison). This one wasn't the one I was planning on buying, but I like it even better. I think it goes really great with the vinyl. Now I just have to get the girls room finished that I bought pictures for 5 months ago. I guess you can understand why I get so excited about a project completed!

I am getting so excited for my trip to San Francisco this weekend. I can't wait to see family and hang out with my Mom and siblings. Besides Richard they truly are my best friends and I love spending time with them. So grateful for Richard for being so supportive of me and encouraging me to go on this trip. What a wonderful Father's Day gift he is getting -- a chance to spend the weekend alone with the kids! I am sure I am going to owe him plenty of game/camping nights after this. But, I am excited to see Paul and Sherri (my uncle and aunt) sealed. It is going to be so wonderful.
Love the new family wall -- you have always been such a great decorator! Can't wait to see it in person! I look forward to a blog about our SF trip!
this turned out so awesome! I love it. I'm glad you decided on that saying and the cute wall hanging. gotta love rod works.
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