Merry Christmas family and friends! Here is a quick update on what we have been up to this year.
We have loved our new neighborhood in West Jordan. It is wonderful to have kids...everywhere!!! We miss our old friends and neighbors but feel we are where we should be, we love it.
Richard had a hole in his heart repaired in May. Thanks to the amazing technology we enjoy, he felt totally great the day after surgery! He feels that he has much more energy. We live in such an amazing time. He also was able to travel to Peru for work. He enjoys playing basketball, researching games and playing games.
I was pregnant for most of the year (quite an accomplishment the 4th time)! I am glad to no longer be hot and uncomfortable all the time! I got to visit San Francisco with my Mom, sisters and brother in June. It was such a great getaway. I am always busy doing "Mom" stuff...but in my spare time I love to blog, exercise (=)), cook and eat out!
Kaela was baptized this year. She is getting so old. She is so sweet and loves to play with her friends, sing Hannah Montana and make us smile.
Sam is our big six year old who started Kindergarten this year. He is always smiling! He loves playing with friends, video games and Lego's.
Karissa is...well Karissa! She love to keep us on our toes. She started preschool this year and really enjoys it. She is a beautiful little girl who loves messes, yelling, littlest pets and anything that belongs to her brother or sister.
Addyson was born August 24, 2007. She is such a happy smiley baby. She is truly a joy and we are so grateful to have her in our family. She loves squeaking, her swing and milk. Ah, to be a baby again.
We are so thankful for our wonderful family and friends who make life such a joy to live. So thankful for the gospel and the joy it brings us. So grateful for the birth of our Savior and the amazing blessings we receive because of his life. Merry Christmas!!
Love your cute family:) So blessed to have you guys in our lives. I never thought of yelling as something that someone would enjoy doing, but I totally agree with that assessment on Karissa!
Hey Joey!! Remember me? You have an adorable family! Just casually ran into your blog! Fun to see pictures and hear that you're doing great! We need to have a 303 reunion sometime!
Love ya!
That is the cutest picture ever, your kids are so cute. Just wanted to say that your pretzels taste as amazing as they look. Thanks. Also, I just learned way more about you guys and I have a question: Why Peru and why didn't you go?
Richard & Joey, It's your cousin Shannon, got your Christmas card and saw your blog! Yeah. Send me your email at shannon@bnchomes.com and I will send you an invite to ours.
Oh, look at your cute little family! Darling.
Excited to see you this week and hear how your Christmas was.
Great to hear from you! email me sometime - mysoldierblue@yahoo.com so I have your email. Thanks!
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