Last night was Kaela's annual Christmas dance concert. I am happy to report that I survived another year. It is such an ordeal...driving in the traffic, fighting the crowds, waiting forever for two minutes of excitement, so on and so on (you dance Mom's know what I mean).
Anyway, one trial every performance is Kaela's makeup (she has the most sensitive eyes that water every time I put anything makeup within an inch of them). Our awesome neighbors (Nordquists...you are the best!) agreed to do Kaela's makeup for me. They did it in record time and we only had one glitter in the eye incident. Kaela and I had this funny conversation on the way home:
M: Wasn't that so nice of Kenzie to let you borrow her makeup?
K: Yes.
M: We should really buy that makeup on the internet, it was so easy!
K: Let's just have Santa bring it to us so WE don't have to buy it.
Right. If only life were that easy. Maybe Santa can bring Richard a new car so we don't have to buy that either.
p.s. For my old dance friends, that is Melissa Bird's daughter next to Kaela, small world huh?
Looks like fun Joey! Thanks for commenting on my pics. I would love to take your pictures...anytime!
ahh- dance recitals! Whitney just had hers last week and she was so excited! It was her first! Glad all went well with your!
Hey Joey,
It was great to hear from you! It was fun to read your blog and catch up on everything that your family has been doing. Congratualtions on the new baby! She is adorable. You will have to give me tips on how to survive with three kids. I'm getting a little nervous. We will definitely have to get together. I got a little sad reading your blog-I miss you and your family. Maybe after Christmas we can get our families together.
It just floors me how old Kaela is! She looks all grown up in that picture. So fun she has followed in your dance footsteps.
I just love dance pics! Kaela looks so cute. I bet w/ your genes she's super talented as well. I'll call you soon.
Wow, it seems like just yesterday mom was taking us to dance recitals and competitions. Kaela looks so cute!
Kaela is so cute!!
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