Monday, July 30, 2007
A few shout out's...
Also, a big happy birthday to my Grandma Conley yesterday! I can't even begin to tell my Grandma how much I love her. I have so many wonderful memories of her from my youth. Dress up parties, shopping (from the time I was young!), Window's on the Square, baking together, eating out, San Francisco, Disneyland, swimming and so many more. I hope to be the kind of Grandma and person that you are. I love you so much, hope your day was great.
Thanks to our parents who watched our kids over the weekend, we had a 48 hour date (almost!). It was wonderful. We were celebrating our 10th anniversary a little early since we thought it might be a little more fun without a newborn. We did so much: park city, johnny carino's, mulligan's, a movie, the temple, rodizio grill, hale centre theater, and lots of shopping. Needless to say I am totally exhausted from the weekend, but it was so fun to get out. Especially since it will be awhile until we get to be alone again.
3 weeks to baby!!! Crazy.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Ah, parenthood!
So, it has been a really long week...does school really not start for another month? Wow. Does Richard really have to work another 10 hour day!!! Feeling some serious crazies coming on! Okay, it really isn't that bad, but having to take 3 kids to do everything (especially all the fun things they love like...getting the oil changed, grocery shopping, going to the bank, you fill in the blank) just takes twice as long with way to many whines going on!
Ah, such is the life of a big family. Really, I have had so many moments this summer where I have just thought I have the greatest kids ever. Seeing Kaela and Karissa play Polly Pockets and princesses nicely has made me believe that they have a really special sibling connection. Other moments watching Sam push Karissa in the swing, Karissa begging for someone to sit by her in the car, Sam reading to Karissa, playing lego's together nicely (as illustrated in the picture)...all are evidence to me that they really love each other. But, on the flip side, the moments filled with fighting, whining, complaining...have all been plentiful too. There have been too many times lately where I have decided that parenthood really is for those who like to get a glimpse of their less than perfect self!!!
Reminds me of growing up. I am sure we drove my Mom so crazy. Couldn't even count on all my fingers and toes the amount of scratches I endured (or dished out) and the countless other mean, crazy fights I got into with my siblings. Now they are my favorite people. So, there really is hope for the future...not just for the kids, but for me too!! =)
Monday, July 9, 2007
On my mind

Monday, July 2, 2007
Summer Lovin...
I can hardly believe it is already July! Summer time just goes by so much faster than dreary old winter. Although I am hot and tired, I just love summer. Love working out in the yard, love not having to put a coat or jacket on me or the kids, love flip-flops, love bbq'ing, love soaking up the sun...just love summer!

Speaking of soaking up the sun, we had a chance to swim at Ashley and Keith's pool on Saturday. We had lots of fun--and it was the perfect way to spend a 100 degree day in Utah. I realized that old habits die hard..I wanted to spend the entire day at the pool...Richard was ready to go after a couple hours of swimming. Growing up, we would spend the whole day swimming at my Grandma Conley's when we went to visit her. Grandma or my Mom would bring us lunch to the pool and we would head in late afternoon to get ready for dinner. We loved it...there is just something wonderful about spending the day in the sun. So, Richard and I compromised and left about 3:00. Casey and I are kindred spirits when it comes to the pool (actually I think she could stay even longer than I can) and she only left because everyone else was. Anyway, it was great fun. The kids all loved it. Thanks Ash!!
Richard surprised me by getting a babysitter on Friday night and we went out. We enjoyed dinner at Johnny Carino's (one of my favorites) , strolled around Barnes and Noble (Richard's favorite) and went to see Ocean's 13. It was a much needed break for both of us! We really enjoyed the movie and spending some time together. I really do love those kids of ours...but time together is so glad I married my best friend.
I also think Richard and I are a shoe in for parents of the year

Looking forward to the 4th of July this week and spending time with our families. It should be great. Holiday's are always a blast!