1. Addy turned ONE! I can hardly believe it. She is such a sweet baby. Now that she is one and mobile...she is into everything! We love her so much and can't imagine life without her.

2. Camping. Truth be told, camping is not one of my favorite things, but it is much more fun when filled with great friends . We enjoyed our yearly camping trip with our high school friends and are so glad we are still so close. Love you guys! We also headed up to Payson Lakes with some of our friends from our Trowbridge Home. After all my camping complaining, the Stanworth's forced me to sleep in their trailer.=) Flushing toilets and soap and water put a smile on my face.

3. Park City with my family at a condo at the Lodge at the Mountain Village. A yearly highlight...even if we didn't have enough beds this year! We had a great time...and LOVED the Alpine Coaster.

4. School starting! The kids are growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it! Wow. The kids and Mom were way excited for school to start and they are loving it and doing great!

5. Finishing a room in our basement...so glad it is done! We hired almost everything out, but Richard and I did the painting ourselves. It was, quite the bonding experience. =) So thankful for a wonderful husband who supports me in all I do. Love ya.
So, I am back...and I can't wait to catch up on you too.
Joey, I'm so glad you're back! I've missed you. :)
Your pre-school is adorable. I wish we lived close enough that Luke could be taught by Miss Joey.
I can't believe your baby is ONE! Where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday that we were at Chili's and you were making your big announcement. She is so adorable.
Glad things are going well with school. Hope to see you soon.
I have heard such great compliments on your preschool from other moms which makes me sad that I didn't put Devin in it.
Looks like you have enjoyed a fun summer, and now its time to get back into a routine.
I am happy to see you are back at blogging. I had no idea you did preschool. We will have to talk about this for Isabelle. That is, if you plan on doing this next year. I am sad we are no longer in the same ward. We should get a group together for Bunco or scrapbooking or something.
You know you have a good neighbor when they already know about all of your Summer adventures :) Glad you are back at it. I need to catch up on some Summer blogging too... so sad it's over.
I'm glad you had a great summer! I love summer but I am glad for the school year to start too. I like the structure of it. I bet your preschool is great! Are you having a good time doing it? I'm glad you are back! Can't wait to hear more.
Addy is so cute, as are all of your kids... Preschool room is awesome, great job... :) Love reading up on blogs, glad you're back... :)
welcome back!
the "blog list" is one of the new gadgets blogger is offering. Go to your Dashboard - Layout - right column gadget - then it's one of the first choices. You need to add each of the url addresses for the blogs you want it to update/track for you. It's an AWESOME feature, and saves so much time blog-socializing!!! If you have trouble getting it to work or finding it, email me!
i hope school is going well for you and your kids.
There is nothing like a home improvement project to really find out how strong your marriage is! Jared and I like to continually do projects and you think that we would have learned our lesson by now. Glad that your summer was filled with fun, I am glad that school is back in to add more structure to life. I feel bad that everyone was so busy that the Annual Brough Family Summer Party didn't happen. I guess we have Christmas time to look forward too!
Welcome back. It sounds like a fun summer! Congrats on finishing part of the basement, I am hoping to have that done by Christams this year. Mark wanted to do it himself, luckily, he's reality finally hit him and we too will hire most of it out minue the painting. And since you and Richard felt it was a bonding experience, I'd happily let you continue the bonding by painting my basement.
Oh, I wish we lived closer, you would be such a fun preschool teacher, my kids would love it! Looks like you've had a fun and busy summer. It's great to be able to stay in touch this way.
LOVE the preschool. Its looks darling. I bet you are a fabulous teacher. I wish we lived closer so my kids could go to Miss Joey! Glad you're back.
man I'm glad we live close cuz we love miss joey. You should disclose, however, that no parachutes will be used.
London says "hi Karissa, I like your pre-school, I got a brand new thing at my house if you want to come over today. I invited you to my birthday."
Brett adds: Pretty much parachutes and pre-school are interchangeable words.
your preschool looks awesome...why don't i live close to you?!
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