After almost three long weeks of working in Peru...Richard is home! The kids were so excited and so was I! A couple of months ago, I sarcastically commented that I was the only one who knew how to do the dishes in our house. Richard just smiled and said, "and I'm the only one who knows how to do 500 other things." I had to laugh because it is so true! I realized how right he was while he was gone. I count on him for so many things (yard work, bathroom cleaning, fixing of anything broken, garbage taking out - inside and out, sprinkler system running, temperature controller, house vacuumer, plant waterer, etc). Okay, I should have NEVER complained about the dishes. I was not only exhausted with taking care of the kids by myself while he was gone, but also in trying to do all the things he usually does.
Not to worry, I put him to work fast when he came home, fixing the many things that broke while he was gone. He finished fixing Addy's car seat tonight! I realized how lucky I am to have such a helpful husband. So glad you are home. I also realized how awesome my family and friends are, thanks for all you did for me...from mowing the lawn to watching the kids and just keeping me company. Love you guys.
I didn't know he was gone! glad he got back safely :)
Welcome Home, Richard! Glad you made it back safe and sound!
And I know what you mean about missing his help, Jo... Matt has been busy and at Scout Camp all weekend and just got home tonight as well. Man, I missed him! :)
Glad he is back, it's sure nice to have them at home.. You are a trooper, doing 3 weeks alone. :)
Yay, I'm so glad he's home. I'm sure that was a LONG 3 weeks for you and your kids. It always amazes me how much our hubbies really do for us.
Hey Joey! How are things going? Your kids are so cute and they are getting so old! You guys look great!
Happy he's home safe and sound. Don't feel bad about the dishes, it is so easy to feel over-worked and under-appreciated as a mom! Sometimes I find myself too griping about my husband, but I think that most of the time I take him for granted. He does so much for our family. I know Richard knows how much you love him, you two are such a great couple. Glad your family is all back together!
Whoa 3 weeks is so long! I'm proud of you for surviving it. I don't know if I would. Hopefully he doesn't have to do that very often.
nothing worse than a husband away. so happy for you.
I love the dishes comment. I love Richards response even more.
I can't believe he was gone for 3 wks. I wouldn't have survived! We need to hook up for a playdate or something! Firehouse Pizza has free kids meals on Tues. There's one by me and it's soooo yummy... think about it!
Yay!! I know it's so hard to have your hubby gone for that long! What was he doing there? I had no idea he was going to be gone for that long! I am out of the loop though...we live too far away! I am glad you have your little slave back!:)
I am glad you survived, that is a very long time to be alone with four kids. I have one more day w/ Aaron gone, it has been almost 2 weeks. I feel the same way you do about all they do. I really hate having to take the garbage bins in and out when he is MIA.
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