Thursday, March 13, 2008


How is it that Richard totally slept through Addy screaming at the top of her lungs for a half hour last night? Wow. And he was really asleep, I heard him snoring. How is it that Dad's can sleep through everything and Mom's wake up at the slightest little peep? I just don't get it!


Gunderson's said...

How is she feeling? Poor baby... I will never get how men just sleep through crying kids, I guess it's good we have mommy radar and can hear the slightest peep. ;)

Angie said...

You know I always wondered that about Justin. As it turned out he was wearing EAR PLUGS!!!!! Little Turkey! I am sure Richard doesn't do that though!

kacee said...

At my house - I am the one guilty of sleeping through the crying! Mike has this habit of getting up anyway so I have just learned to tune it out for the most part, and boy is it nice!

Amy said...

Richard just knows that Addy is in your uber-capable hands, so he has no need to wake up. I think you should just pinch him really hard, see if that works.

The Redhead said...

If this isn't the most frequently asked/pondered question by wives and mothers I seriously don't know what is. I can't figure it out either. Lance would sleep through a lawnmower if it were on right next to him. Truly I think in a man's subconcious he knows that the wife will get up (because we can't bare to have our babies crying) and so with knowing that his brain just blocks it out.
Or they are just really good FAKERS!!!!

Tifani said...

So it doesn't sound like Addy's night got much better. Sorry to hear that. Being a mom = no sleep! It was so good to see you last night. Hope it is not so long before the next time.

Tiffany said...

Nate does the same thing! When Ben was a baby he would be up all night long and Nate never heard him. At first it made me mad and I would kick him so he'd wake up too. Over the years I've learned that he's just not going to wake up on his own and the kids usually want mommy anyway.

{jane} said...

In our house, that story would have Dusty waking up wondering "How does Jane sleep through this?" IF I'm sleeping, which is usually not the case....

What are the chances you were able to nap today? Probably very little... Maybe you can snooze Sunday afternoon!

jenn said...

Most of the time I just think they are faking...really, who could sleep through a screaming baby? Sorry for the lack of sleep on your part. Hopefully tonight is better!

sweet pickles said...

Yeah, I totally wake Mike up.
(Once I'm up, I'm up for a few hours, and he doesn't skip a beat and is back to sleep when his head hits the pillow.)
Just add it to the list of things on the "bad wife list".

sweet pickles said...

Yeah, I totally wake Mike up.
(Once I'm up, I'm up for a few hours, and he doesn't skip a beat and is back to sleep when his head hits the pillow.)
Just add it to the list of things on the "bad wife list".

Anonymous said...

Jerry stayed for a few nights when Landon was first born (four years ago). Ever since then it has been more of a pain to actually wake him up and ask for help than to just attend to the kids myself :>

Blondie said...

It really isn't fair, but there must be something to this???