No, not the baby, I've had her for six months now! Look at that darling paint can, made and decorated for me by the cute young women in my ward. I got released as YW secretary last Sunday. =( I thought the can was filled with some treats, but upon further investigation I found personal notes from the girls. It totally made my day and made me realize how much I love those girls! One of them said they liked me because I was so down to earth. Loved that coming from a fifteen year old! I hope my own children feel that way about me in a few years. Going to miss them all so much (not to mention those leaders too), but luckily they are in good hands. Thanks again girls and ditto to what you said Ericka ...it felt like I was only in for like a month! Geez.
cute gift!
But, don't you feel like you should be in Young Women's?!? I mean, come on - 4 kids, no big deal, we're still young!
what a cute idea. it's so nice to be appreciated by those you're serving. I just didn't feel that from the primary!!! :)
addy is getting so big! What a cutie! You are down to earth and darn fun to hang out with.
So sweet! It's nice to feel appreciated. I bet you were such a fun YW leader. You'd be my favorite!
What a cute idea! I think so many times we all have these feelings of gratitude toward other people and have good intentions of letting them know, but never do. How great it feels to know you are appreciated! And Addy looks so cute in that picture!
So you can now feel my pain as well! I loved YW's! I love the idea of notes, it really lets you know how the girls feel about you and I would have loved to have you as a YW leader-you would have been a blast!
By the way Addy is getting so big and CUTE! Are you coming Saturday to the shower???
Oh, I sooo feel for you! I have been in and out (currently out) of YW for all of my married life and it s always so hard to be released. I always get way too attached to the girls... some of them are still my best friends!
It is always nice to hear from them and feel like you made an impression and left a good influence. I am sure you were a great (and fun!) leader and will be missed! :)
Hahahaha Joey how cute of you to mention me!
I love you and miss you like CRAZY!
Ericka :]
You were the best!! Thank you for serving with me. I think through all this I have been the blessed one. Thanks again. Love you!
Oh, it's sad to get released.
What a nice gift of reassurance that you made a difference!
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