Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Birthday

Time for a new post!!! Life just gets so busy sometimes. So, a quick birthday shout-out to some of my favorite people who have had birthday's this month!

Happy Birthday to my friend Jenn. We have been friends for 16 years now! Crazy. Love your never ending funny stories and knowing that when we are together I will get a great laugh. Love that you share in my treat and diet coke love/addiction. Just so thankful for a friend like you! So sad I don't have a picture of us together!!

Happy Birthday to my sister Casey! I have always loved sharing my birthday month with you and being the same age for 3 weeks. My favorite story to tell people during October growing up was that we were only 11 months apart because I always loved being like you. Love our long talks, love that you have introduced me to almost everything cool and hip that I own. Love your genuine love to give and make others happy. Love having a sister like you!!

Happy Birthday Sam. I can't believe my little guy is already six! So many things that I love about Sam. Love how easy going you are with everything in life. Love your constant smile and how everything is a joke to you. I don't know what I would do without your silly sayings that make me laugh everyday. Love the all boy that surrounds you. Just love you so much.

Well I have decided that I haven't met to many people that I don't like who were born in October. It's just a great month for a birthday!!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday to you too this month!! I agree, Casey is one of the most giving people and Sam is one of the silliest!