But the sun has been out this week,

Richard and I did go to Hawaii over my blogging hiatus, (proof of my love of the sun)and I feel a part of me coming back. So, we will see if I can EVER make it back to blogging. Seems like a long shot. I so love the spring and summer. And, I so loved blogging at one time.
So, what do I do...update you on my life for the last 10 months? No...I'll spare you that. I love quotes. I love that a few sentences can move me, inspire me, and push me to change. I love that a couple of lines can make me laugh, cry, and lift me. And so it seems fitting to come back to blogging with a thought...
“If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.”
-- Andrea Boydston
Well, I am breathing and here goes another shot at blogging...
Good for you Joey! You are helping me to get motivated too. Hawaii sounds so wonderful right now. Can't wait to hear more!
Welcome back! I want to go to Hawaii.
Yay! I'm so impressed you're back and that quote is both inspiring AND funny.
I love that your back, I love the quote, I love all the new pics of your beauties. Who took them? Im not sure if I trust that you will continue blogging but for the time being.....good job! You know that song that says video killed the radio star? Well I think facebook killed the bloggers!!
Oh, Joey! I welcome you back with open arms.
Miss you. Miss your blog posts. Mostly just miss you.
See you on Friday...yippee!
Look at your darling family!! Those are some way cute kiddo's!!
Oh, Joey... you ARE superfabulous... don't you see? Glad to see you back!
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