2. Organizing. I love everything organized and in its place! I am so very far from organized right now. But I finally got Karissa's bows organized. I saw this on someone's blog a year ago, and finally got to it!
3. Don't laugh too hard, but I took a dance technique class last week. Crazy as it was, it was fun, until the next day when I couldn't walk down the stairs. I forgot how dancing uses so many muscles. Any takers in going to the class with me? No pictures from this one!
4. Home projects. Since we moved into our home in WJ we have kind of decided on just letting it be. We did so much in our last home and then we moved. Since we aren't sure if this is our forever home (if only I had a different driveway!) we have been layed back on the home improvements. But, our neighbor built us some shelving in the kids closets and Richard and Sam painted. Loving them so much!
So, it feels good to have a couple of things checked off the "would like to do" list.
Cute Joey!! Will you come and organize my house next? :) Can you send me your email address? I need to send you an invite to our family blog. spang96@yahoo.com Hope you guys are doing well!
Holy cow! You're WONDER WOMAN!!! I LOVE the v-day stuff and the bow organizer is awesome! I'm excited you did the dance thing - that sounds fun - if I lived closer I'd go with you. How fun having the boys have their own project together!
Love the way the Valentine book turned out. So cute!!!
You are such an organized person! Just come look at my house and you'll realize it. Very fun projects. You are quite the crafty girl and good at it too! I love the closets. How nice.
That is some collection of hair bow. I love organization!!
i have done a dance class since i have well um been an adult.....and well it was fun, but i am glad i didn't know many people in the class!
Im really jealous of your talents. The v-day book is SUPER cute. Please be my BFF! So, I saw the very same idea for organizing bows on Brynns blog and last week I FINALLY went and bout the over the door shoe organizer to do it! Yeah! Now, could you please make me a set of bows in EVERY color and bring them over to fill mine uP? THanks!
The Valentine's Day stuff turned out super cute.
Organizing and Spring seem to just go hand in hand. Although I'd LOVE to have you come do my closets next!
Dancing does use all sorts of muscles. It's amazing! Good for you for taking a class...maybe someday I'll go with you. Someday.
I just love getting stuff done. It's like a breath of fresh air! All your stuff looks great.
You should ALWAYS improve, if nothing else, it will be a nice selling point when you go, I say DO IT!
You're amazing!
Hey Joey Girl,
I took a huge blog break too, oops. I'm so stealing your bow organization, so fabulous :). We need to hook up, it's been too long.
HEy Joey, It was so good to see you guys at the reunion. One of these days we need to see each other for more than 1 hour! Ü
I got your Christmas card. You kids are adorable. I think it's time for an update lady! Ü
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