A quick recap of important events last week!
Monday: had TWO root canals. Finally out of pain, and money (Merry Christmas to me!).
Tuesday: Voting! Went at 7:30 am and found out I would have to wait two hours! Wow. I came back at 2 pm. No wait! Voted mostly Republican, I still believe in the basic tenets my party was based on. Namely, family values, LESS government, free market/free trade. Okay so I could go on but I won't. Like most Americans I haven't been too thrilled with the way things have gone the last few years. But, I hope we don't have too much CHANGE, there are millions of things I love about my life. Crossing my fingers...
A funny story about the elections. The kids did a mock election at school and were so into the results. They totally wanted to watch the news all night. Sam said, "Mom I know why everyone wants OBAMA to win, he's going to give everyone money." I was totally confused about the statement, then upon further prying Sam said, "I heard it on the radio, Obama is going to give everyone change!" It put a smile on my face!
Wednesday: My crazy neighbor Paige talked me into doing the first 100 at the new Chick fil A. I in turn talked Candace into coming. We had a blast! It was seriously fun until about 1 AM at which time it did not seem like such a great idea anymore. Okay, so it was the COLDEST night of the year and we slept in tents with ice on top. We didn't really sleep because it was sooooo cold. But we got our amazing free year of Chick fil a and lots of memories. Love you girls!
Saturday: took the kids to watch Richard's dad do the weather. He is retiring in a couple of weeks. It was a neat moment! The kids were so excited about the event. It is bittersweet. We will miss seeing him on TV but we will enjoy seeing him more in person!
Sunday: wished my cute cousin off to serve a mission in San Francisco at his farewell. He gave such a wonderful talk that truly made me want to be better. You are going to be one awesome missionary Brian! Good Luck... Then off to the Primary Program in our home ward. It was awesome, especially since we have only been a ward for a month and a half. I love Primary and my calling!
Phew, here's to this week.
Where to even start
10 months ago
Paige told me about the Chick-fil-a sleepover. I'm jealous about the free food. I guess the crazy neighbors didn't leave with us... ha ha. I second your political views!
wow....you are so busy and sorry about the dental work...not my favorite thing to do. thanks for the update!
My fave is Sam's comment about the money. What is even better is that change is all kids ever get so of course he was right to assume that meant money.
That is so great that you got the first 100! That will save you a ton of money this year.
We will miss seeing Clayton on TV too. He's had a great career.
Sam is a crack up! I love kids and how they take things so literally.
Glad your teeth are feeling better... Nothing worse than a tooth ache. Chick-fil-a for a year.. Sweet.. You deserve that for braving the cold all night!! WTG!!
Whew! That's quite the busy week.
SO sorry about the double root-canal. You and the luck with teeth just don't mix.
Yay on the free chick-fil-a! Way to go, I'm so impressed.
Richard's dad has had quite the career. That's neat for your kids to witness him live, they'll always remember that.
My voting experience consisted of strolling in at 7:57 p.m. and casting my mark by the skin of my teeth!
I am so glad you survived your crazy week! I think Sam is the best for those one-liners!
Wow, that is a busy week!
And I'm setting my blog private soon and I'd love to send you an invite so please let me know your email. Thanks!
I think I used 1/2 of my chik fil a coupons this week. And I am still cold.
That is so awesome you were one of the lucky Chick Fil A people. Hopefully now that it's all said and done, freezing was worth it.
And I'm so jealous you got not one but two root canals for Christmas. That's what I was going to ask for!
Dang teeth.
I laugh everytime I hear Sam's Obama change comment. What a funny kid!
Wow, sleeping at Chick fil A in a tent, humm, not sure I oculd do that. That is so neat that your kids could go see grandpa at work. My dad is a dentist (totally different I know), but my kids love to go to his office and tell everyone that that is their grandpa. On that note, sorry about the root canals, sounds like a great way to start a week.
Hi! Can you email me your address for Christmas cards? heidimickelson@cableone.net. Thank you!
Miss you:) Post soon?
Just checking in to say hi. I so miss your posts! Hope you are doing great...see you at the end of the month! :)
I had a dream that you updated your blog. Alas, maybe another day! :)
Joey, we are coming down to SLC this weekend and will be staying with Mike and Chaundell so if you guys are around we would love to see you. P.S. it's time for an update Ü
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