"If you can dream it, you can do it." -Walt Disney-
Okay, so creating a blog is something I've had on my to do list for a long time. My main excuse for putting it off was our old dial up connection - but now we have DSL -- so here we go!! It seems that with everything that goes on in with our family, a blog would be a great way to keep everyone posted on our lives. I have been inspired by so many of my creative friends and family that I just had to start! So a few updates on our family as of late:
As many of you know, Richard was diagnosed with a hole in his heart earlier in May. His Dad found out he had this condition last November and since it is genetic, Richard was tested. He went through several tests to see if he needed surgery to close the hole -- and it was determined that he needed it. They mostly perform the surgery to prevent a stroke. So, last Tuesday Richard underwent surgery to close the hole. The hole in his heart was 12 mm and an ASD (I'm still not sure what all that means) and the hole ended up being larger that his Dad's. Needless to say it was a good thing he had it done. It is quite an amazing procedure, outpatient, and the device that closes the hole was able to be placed through a catheter in his leg. He ended up having to stay a night at the hospital (because of the size), but is as good as new. All I can say is that medical technology today is truly amazing, and besides a sore leg and not being able to lift anything over 50 pounds, he is doing fabulous. We feel blessed that he was able to be diagnosed before he had a stroke. Kudos to our wonderful family members who pitched in to watch the kids (Ethel, Ashley, Mom)...we couldn't have done it without you.
We also had a fabulous Memorial Day weekend. We can largely thank my wonderful Mom for that - since she took our kids Friday night. We enjoyed having dinner with the Elggren's (a couple from our ward) and also went to see Spiderman 3. We almost had a peaceful night's sleep until I got a charley horse in my calf in the middle of the night (I love being pregnant!!!). Richard thought I was going into labor from the intense pains I had, I would almost say that charley horses are worse that labor. He has made me eat bananas every day since. We also were able to attend the temple. We could hardly believe the amount of things one can accomplish childless! But, nonetheless we missed the kids and were excited to see them when we picked them up Saturday. I can't give my Mom enough thanks for the wonderful break (I am trying to talk it up a lot so another sleepover can happen sometime in the future!). We also enjoyed watching the Jazz game with the Maylett's (some of our longest and greatest friends) on Saturday. We enjoyed BBQing with Joey's family and a brunch on Monday with Richard's family. We feel so blessed to have our family members so close to us, we love them so much.
So, I think I have gone on long enough for my first post. I am so excited to get started blogging. Check us out once in a while!
Pictures from Memorial Day
Grandma, Grandpa and Kaela enjoying time together

The family!
Welcome to your own blog! I'm excited to keep in touch this way with you! I didn't know about Richard, sorry to hear about it, but I am really glad he's ok. Let's get together soon!
Ok, your blog is fabulous! Way to go on that! I'm happy to hear that Richard is doing good again. I hope your pregnancy is going well and if you need anything let us know. We need to hook up for a BBQ or something let me know when you are available.
Sadie & the He-ugs
Rich! I didn't know about the hole in the heart! I'm glad you're ok.
I'm glad Rich is doing well! I never heard about this so that means we're out of touch. It's time for another Brough-a-thon!
Sorry to hear about your latest medical challenge. Glad to hear that all went well. We will keep you in our prayers. Love, the Blake's
Hey Broughs-
Love the blog! I too am sorry to hear about Richard's heart. When is baby due? Keep eating those bananas Joey-It really works! We need to get together and let the kids play sometime soon. We have so much to catch up on!
Yea for blogging!
The great thing I know I'll find on your blog is of course fabulous quotes!
I'm glad the surgery went well and that no one had to slice and dice! I thought the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, not his leg! Oh, I am a crack up! Sorry! I'm glad you are well!
How cute is this!! love it.
Talk to you soon.
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