Really, 10 months ago was my last post? Wow!! Honestly, I have been trying to think of some super fabulous post as a comeback... But, superfabulous just hasn't been me lately!! Not. At. All.
But the sun has been out this week,

Richard and I did go to Hawaii over my blogging hiatus, (proof of my love of the sun)and I feel a part of me coming back. So, we will see if I can EVER make it back to blogging. Seems like a long shot. I so love the spring and summer. And, I so loved blogging at one time.
So, what do I do...update you on my life for the last 10 months? No...I'll spare you that. I love quotes. I love that a few sentences can move me, inspire me, and push me to change. I love that a couple of lines can make me laugh, cry, and lift me. And so it seems fitting to come back to blogging with a thought...
“If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance.”
-- Andrea Boydston
Well, I am breathing and here goes another shot at blogging...