After being very pregnant all summer, I didn't think it was possible to ever be cold again! Last night I got the shivers from the cold air. my air conditioning didn't kick on all night and I had my first really hot shower in a long time! Welcome back cold. It is a little sad to say goodbye to summer. There are so many things that I love about the warmth. No coats, no socks, no layers...but this year I am actually looking forward to fall a little more. So loving my kids being back in school (three cheers for public education!!). It feels great to get them back to some what of a productive life. Loving that I am no longer sweating all the time, love that the holiday season is just around the corner. I'll change my mind about the cold come December, but right now I am just loving a little change.
I also started reading again. I have to read in waves because I get so into books I can literally ignore my kids for a day. But Richard reminded me that it had been I picked up Twilight, a book many of you have raved about. Knowing me I should be finished in a couple of days here, so I will let you know how it goes. Hopefully the kids survive... =)
Happy Fall and Back to School to all of you!!!
Where to even start
10 months ago
If you are like me, the kids will be completely ignored while you devour Twilight! and then New Moon and then Eclipse... have fun!
I have only heard great things about Twilight - I will have to borrow it when you finish! Enjoy!
I am loving that slight chill too. Do you remember though we always loved fall because of our birthdays? Just think--we are going to be the same age in a few weeks for a few weeks. Your favorite!
This blog may be intended more for family than anyone else but I wanted to see pictures of Addyson. She is adorable! You have a beautiful family.
Hope we'll be seeing you guys sometime soon...I know the girls have been talking about a girls night out...we'll let you know.
Congrats Joey!
Can't wait to hear how the book is. Loving the fall weather too. :)
What did you think of Twilight? (I'm assuming you finished it). I don't have the 2nd one, but Jenn does, and I have the 3rd, I can bring it Friday if you don't already have it. Let me know...
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